Digital Garden Welcome to my digital garden, a collection of evergreen resources and knowledge gathered over time. AdoptionThe big challenge that comes after creating a design system is gaining adoption amongst your users.CommunicationLive shows that I've had the pleasure to see, in chronological order.ConcertsLive shows that I've had the pleasure to see, in chronological order.DefinitionTrying to answer the question “what is a design system?”Design CritiqueA collection of design critique articles.Design tokensThe most atomic design decisions that make up a larger design system.Designer Development FrameworkA collection of public and open source career frameworks and templates.Digital gardensEmbracing the history personal sites as ever growing and changing collections rather than static documents.FormsForms are one of the core patterns of the web, and enable the interactivity that users expect from a web application.How to be productiveThings that work for me to kickstart and maintain my productivity.Liquid CheatsheetA list of the most common functionalities in Jekyll.Markdown CheatsheetTo serve as an example page when styling markdown based pages.NowWhat I am focused on at this point in my life.People toolsWhile most conversations around design systems center on the artifacts and technical problems, I believe that the real success of a system comes down to solving people problems.PrinciplesA list of principles I try to live by.Public design systemThe field of design systems has been shaped so heavily by the fact that so many systems are out in the open for all to see. Here are some that have stood out to me over the years.Quips & QuotesA collection of quotes collected over the years.Style guideMy personal and always in progress guide to style, usage, and grammar for writing on the web.Tailwind Typography Plugin DemoAn example of all the `prospe` classes in Tailwind's Typography plugin.UsesA list of hardware, software and on-the-go setup I use dailyWebsitesWhat are they? Why are they? What makes them so special? That's what I am trying to answer here.